Twitter Pets!

So I had this dream where I was naming my companion pets after people I knew.  Specifically, I was trying to name my Darkmoon Turtle after Saz from Twitter.  Feeling slightly goofy about it, I Tweeted her:

@SerenitySaz So last night, I was dreaming about naming my Darkmoon turtle after you. I thought you should know.

Astonishingly, she was not actually creeped out by this:

@Kialesse Ahaha, cute! I’d be honored if you actually did that 🙂

Thus inspired, I put out the call on Twitter and to my guildies:

Guys, I have decided to name my pets after as many of you as will not be freaked out by the stalkerish nature of the idea. Who’s in?

This was the perhaps inevitable result.

Hawk Owl: Amber @Obsidian_Dragon Bubbles!

Anconda Chicken: Dee @mainfloortank
Dancing Runes

Chuck: Azzinarius (SiB Guildie!)

Spirit of Summer: Bink @Binkenstein
Totem Spot

Prairie Dog (really a meerkat): Cynwise @wowcynwise
Cynwise’s Warcraft Manual

Sprite Darter Hatchling: Rae (SiB Guildie!)
@Dhevon_Shots I’m A Gamer First

Blue Moth: Es (SiB Guildie!) @EsAndZiki

Singing Sunflower: Fabulor @Fabulor
Because really, could it have been anyone else?

Dark Phoenix Hatchling: Vidyala @_vidyala
Manalicious and From Draenor With Love

Baby Blizzard Bear: Chris (my honey)
@Achloryn Warcraft of the World

Wolpertinger: Ice @druidmain
Druid Main

Panther Cub: Lae (because she stalks people)
@Laeleiweyn World of Lae

Miniwing: Navi @NavimieDruid
The Daily Frostwolf

White Kitten: Nymphy @Nymphmage
D/E The Tank

Sinister Squashling: Pix (SiB Guildie!)
@PixelExecution Pixelated Executioner

Withers: Hestiah @hestiahdruid
Hestiah The Druid

Speedy: Liz @moarshamblins
Spiritwalker’s Grace

Darkmoon Turtle: Saz @SerenitySaz
World of Saz

Giant Sewer Rat: Joe @snack_road
The Dungeon Runner
No, I don’t think he’s a rat;
I was just being clever with names.

Argent Squire: Solt (SiB Guildie!)
@SoltarisSiB   TankSport

Mechanical Squirrel: Quin (SiB Guildie!)
@Caladom   Caladom

Vampiric Batling: Nymphy’s #Lockling
Hopefully not as bloodsucking as the critter.

Westfall Chicken: Zable @Zablekynbiir

Winterspring Cub: Asherrylie @Asherrylie
Priest All The Things





































































I still have plenty of pets to name!  Let me know if you would like to be added to my stable 😉

I am honored to count you all as friends and I understand the desire to for privacy.  If you prefer not to have your Twitter handle or blog published here, let me know and I will remove it immediately.

5 Responses to Twitter Pets!

  1. soltaris says:

    Made of so much awesome… So much.. 😀

  2. I love all of the Kia-ized named! Plus, you made me Withers, and I could not be happier or more proud! These are great!

  3. Ah, brilliant. I should point out that my original WoW naming system was Bink-something (Binkerani, Binkshara, Binkaria, etc) so your spirit is almost exactly like that.

  4. Dhevon says:

    Darterae, I LOVE it!

  5. Navimie says:

    Ohhh Naviwing! I like it!

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